Wilderness Island. Painting #72

Wilderness Island. Painting #72

Wilderness Island
Date Painted: June 20, 2019
Size: 16 x 20 canvas

You decide to take an early morning stroll through the woods. You stumble upon an unfamiliar path and decide to follow it. It takes you to a lake with a lonely island in the middle. The forest opens up to the view of the lake right as the sun is rising. The path continues off to the left. Where does it go? Continue the rest of the story in the comments.

Wilderness Island is painting #72 painted on my 16th Twitch Stream. It is 100% Bob Ross.

I had taken about a month off from streaming and painting due to a trip home to see family. When I got back, I was slammed with work that I didn’t have time to plan a new painting or anything. So, I just picked a simple Bob Ross episode to follow and paint on stream.

This painting is from The Joy of Painting S29E1. I chose this one because there wasn’t a lot of technical things to do yet still allowed me to practice my foliage highlights. 



There’s not a whole lot to say about this painting. I didn’t vary the colors much in the foliage highlights. I think this is because towards the end of the painting, my Twitch stream was acting up so I was losing focus on the painting by trying to get the stream to work.
My other critique of my own work would be the background hills. I left too much space between the layers. If you try this, make the bottom of the first layer misty then come only slightly in front of that for the next layer. Besides that and the lack of color variety in the bushes, I’m pretty happy with it. It got way more likes on Instagram than I thought it would. Do you like this one? Have you tried it? Let me know how it turned out. Perhaps you want to buy a well liked painting on Instagram. What a way to flex eh? Haha! Well if you do want to buy this or any other painting, it’s available for sale in my Art Store. Happy painting!

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