Trying Other Mediums. Drawing & Colored Pencils
I’ve never been very good at drawing but I’ve always wanted to learn. That’s why I enrolled in an art class my senior year in high school. Thinking I’d be learning some basic art skills, imagine my disappointment when this class was all about abstract art.
As you can imagine, I didn’t learn any art skills in that class. In fact, I barely passed because I didn’t put in any effort and goofed off a lot. Ever since, I’ve never taken any time or effort to learn to draw. That is until I discovered my love for art again and started painting. I wanted to learn to draw but I didn’t dedicate any time or effort because I lacked the time and the patience.
When I was a kid, I loved doing arts and crafts. I never really learned any artistic skills though. I used to set up my Ninja Turtles action figures and draw and color them. From what I remember, they didn’t turn out too bad. That’s all I was any good at though, copying. As I grew older, I drew less and less.
A few months back, I had to go home for a family emergency. I couldn’t really go anywhere or have any fun so while I was hanging around with the family, I took to trying a couple of drawings. I followed a couple of YouTube tutorials, and since I’m pretty decent at copying and learning from hands on instruction, they didn’t turn out too bad, the drawings that is. The coloring with the colored pencils was a different story. Though it didn’t come out bad, it certainly lacked realism. Coloring with colored pencils takes quite a lot of time and patience.
I’m going to improve my drawing skills because I think it will improve my painting as well. Since I probably won’t sit down and dedicate the time to do it on my own, I’m going to do it on Twitch. That will give me some sort of purpose and make it a bit more fun. If you want to watch me learn and follow my progress, check out my Twitch channel.
Here are the results of those drawings. I also did a rough sketch of my cat one afternoon at work while waiting for a rain storm to pass. I want to learn to draw and paint wildlife and then eventually add them to my landscapes.

I found drawing to be pretty relaxing. I have so many ideas and ambitions for my art journey. I just have to take it slow and realize that I’ve only been doing this for going on 3 years. It takes many many years for people to get good. I’ll get there though.