Tranquil Valley. Painting #77

Tranquil Valley. Painting #77

Tranquil Valley
Date Painted: July 24, 2019
Size: 16 x 20

Towering mountains protect a lovely green river land, where gentle waters flow and silent breezes blow – another Bob Ross replica to cherish. Tranquil Valley captures a moment when a fishermen comes upon a lake at the base of a snow capped mountain. On the opposite side of the lake is a small waterfall fed by a mountain stream which empties into the lake. You can’t see the stream from here but it’s there. Perhaps the little knoll on the left is a nice place for a campsite or picnic where you can listen to the babbling brook and the splash of the waterfall.

This is painting #77. It’s a Bob Ross painting I did mid week just because I felt like painting. I hadn’t done a mountain painting in a while. I chose this one in order to try adding the grassy base of the mountains.
In this one I followed along with The Joy of Painting S19E13.



What I like about this painting. I think my mountain highlights are quite good. Not bad for not painting mountains for a while. I like the little waterfall too. That came out pretty good. I think the grassy areas at the base were done pretty well too.

What could have been done better? Perhaps I could have blended the cloud highlights out a little more. Everything else was done with basic Bob techniques and I didn’t really have any issues. My one glaring error, if you watch the video, is that it was supposed to be in portrait orientation. Despite that, the painting came out pretty good.

Tips/Tricks. If you do this one, make sure you use a light shade for that background mountain. Perhaps go a shade lighter than I have here. It might also work better if you bring the very background highlights down the mountain further. Keep it light though. Don’t want to show too much detail.
It’s always a good idea to mix in some liquid white when painting in a waterfall or any moving water really. If you need to thin out your highlight color, I suggest using a very, very little bit of paint thinner. That’s what I did with the grassy areas at the mountain base.

This is a nice little Bob Ross scene that hits all the basic elements. A great piece to do to practice and even add a couple of extra little things. I’m really backlogged on videos so I’ll update this post with a video as soon as it’s done. As always, I’d love to hear from you. Check out my new Art Shop if you do. What do you think of the site? Anything more you’d like to see?
Happy painting!

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