Blue Hills. Painting #55

Blue Hills. Painting #55

Blue Hills
Date Painted: February 9, 2019
Size: 11 x 14 canvas

Blue Hills is painting number 55. It is an original painted using the wet on wet technique and basic Bob Ross type elements. It is painted on a smaller canvas because that was all I had at the time. I was still living away from home. This also happens to be the last painting I did away from home.

I really need to do this one again but on a larger canvas. I had a scene in my mind that I wanted to get onto the canvas and this small one wasn’t enough to capture it properly. However, it was a good piece to practice composing and using tones. I had no photo reference whatsoever. So I had to work to figure out the right tones I wanted to use to make the scene. Figuring out the color or tone you need is one of the fun parts of painting. It’s quite satisfying when you achieve the exact color or value you’re looking for. The scene is inspired by one of my favorite places, Maine. I’ve done a couple of Maine paintings before. Check out Mopang Lake and Peaceful Waters.

The day I painted this was a gorgeous day. I painted it outside. There was a cool breeze and plenty of light. It made painting very pleasant. I just wish I had a bigger canvas to paint on. The easel that the owner had was nice to have which made outdoor painting easy. When I get a standing easel I’ll be trying outdoor painting again. I may even venture into en plein air painting! That should be fun!

Neat little tidbit. This painting is my most liked photo on my Instagram. No idea how that happened and I’m pleasantly surprised! As of this writing it is currently sitting at 158 likes. Now, I’m not worried about likes all that much but I just find it surprising when I average around 40 likes per post. With that said, who wouldn’t want to own the painting with the most likes on my Instagram? If you do, you can find it in my Art Shop.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it. Happy painting!

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