Mopang Lake. Painting #50

Mopang Lake. Painting #50

Mopang Lake
Date Painted: August 21, 2018
Size: 11 x 14 canvas

Mopang Lake is painting #50. Yet another original. It had been a while since I did a Bob Ross painting. This one was commissioned for my cousin. He sent me a picture and asked me to paint it for his girlfriend’s parents to hang in their lake house on Mopang Lake.

Mopang lake is located in the Downeast region of Maine. I have never been to that particular lake. I did live a few years very close to some lakes in Maine and I still have family there. Graham Lake and Beech Hill Pond are Maine lakes (also in the Downeast region) that I am very fond of. It really is gorgeous country up there in the spring and summer. The fishing is great too! Like most northern tier states, the winters can be brutal. But boy do I love going up there in the summers.

This painting was pretty simple with the exception of two elements. The foreground beach area, and the kayak. I almost didn’t put the kayak in the painting but I got brave and tried it. Didn’t turn out too bad. The foreground beach was a bit of challenge because in the photo, it was pretty dark and didn’t have much contrasting color. That was difficult for me to replicate with the paint. Other than that, there wasn’t a whole lot of subject matter. I think the background silhouette and the colors are the focus of this piece.

My cousin was quite pleased with it and his girlfriend’s parents loved it. I think it’s pretty cool. What do you think? Want me to paint you something in the style of Bob Ross? Go ahead and click that “Commission Inquiry” link and find out what I can paint for you!

Happy painting!

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