Mt. Ranier. Painting #49

Mt. Ranier. Painting #49

Mt. Ranier
Date Painted: July 4, 2018
Size: 16 x 20 canvas

Mt. Ranier is painting #49. It is another original and the 6th painting in a row that wasn’t a Bob Ross replica. The inspiration for this painting was a photo someone posted on Reddit as a challenge to fellow Bob Ross style painters. I accepted the challenge and this is the result.

I painted the mountain in a similar fashion that I did my previous painting, Kodiak Spring”. That is that I didn’t simply add a highlight and shadow. I went back and forth adding several layers to try to get the composition somewhat accurate. Another challenge once I got that done was matching it to the reflection. Deliberate greater detail in the highlights than normal mad it difficult to try to mirror it below in the opposite direction.

Before adding the glow of the morning sun, I had to let the painting dry for at least a week. Once dry, I added the sun. I probably could have mixed in another color or two to give it a more orange glow but I didn’t realize that at the time. I didn’t want to mess with it too much at this point in case it didn’t work out. The rest of the painting being dry allowed me to work with the new color and move it around more.

Here is the reference photo used.

I think it turned our all right. Instagram seemed to like it. It was a fun painting. What do you think? Wanna buy it? You can! You can find it in my Art Shop. Leave me a comment below to let me know what you think or if you have any questions.

Happy painting!

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