Nun’s Bridge. Painting #27

Nun’s Bridge. Painting #27

Nun's Bridge

Nun’s Bridge
Date Painted: June 5, 2017
Size: 16 x 20 canvas

Nun’s Bridge is my 26th painting and another original. I did not follow along with any Joy of Painting episode.

As I mentioned before, around this time I was venturing out and trying new techniques and learning from different artists. I was also trying my hand at my own originals. Unlike my Nunnery Lakes painting or my Little Ouse painting this was inspired by a photo I took with my phone near where I lived in Thetford, England. Surprise, it’s another spot where I would take my dog for a walk.

I have taken many visual pictures in my mind of this spot from all different angles.  I knew I wanted to paint it but I was looking for the right shot.  I took quite a few pictures around here at various times of the year.  I was also running out of time since I was almost time to move away from England.  This is another one of many inspired by that small town in Norfolk, England.

This is not one of my better paintings in my opinion.  It’s not that bad but I feel it could have been better.  Looking back, I could have tried it on a black canvas or use other techniques.  The standard Ross techniques didn’t transfer as well. I think what I’m most unhappy with is the water and river in general.  I should have kept it simpler.  I do like the little duck in the bottom right corner though!  Regardless, I did sell it to a friend before he left England as he wanted something to remind him of the local area.  Still, I took a chance.  Didn’t turn out as well as the other originals but I wouldn’t say I failed. You just gotta go for it sometimes.  I’d like to revisit this one at some point and approach it a different way.

I hope you enjoy this painting. Comments? Questions? Let me know below.

Happy Painting!

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