Welcome to my website!

Hi! I’m Craig! I’d like to welcome you to my website.

I’m certainly glad you could join me today! I’m happy to share with you my art journey. My journey began at the turn of the new year of 2017. That’s when I received the Bob Ross Master Paint Set for Christmas and attempted my first oil painting. Prior to that, I had not ever painted with oil paints and only had a couple of art classes in grade school. (See here for the full story.)
It turned out that I wasn’t half bad at it. That initial success kept me going and I painted every day until I ran out of canvases. I think I completed around 10 paintings in two weeks. I showed them around on FB and received a lot of positive feedback. Someone suggested that I start a FB page for my artwork so I did. I soon found out that not everyone has a FB and a few people suggested a website. So that’s what I did around 2018.
To date, I’ve probably done over 100 paintings. Some I’ve even sold! So this art blog is playing catch up with past work and rewriting old posts to make them more informative and engaging. Each blog post will be about a picture I painted, in the order I painted it and then I’ll add a photo of it to my gallery. Follow the journey of an artist with virtually zero art training other than YouTube. The journey takes me from following Bob Ross videos on YouTube, to trying my own original paintings. You’ll learn about my first commissions and venturing out to different styles. It’s been quite the journey and still going!
The purpose of this blog is to inform and inspire. Every artist has a different path and this blog is mine. The entire time, I have been learning as I go. If I can do it, anyone can do it! Perhaps I can inspire you to pick up a paintbrush yourself!
This website includes a gallery of my work, my blog about each painting, my Etsy shop, and ways of contacting me. If you’re feeling brave and inspired to pick up a brush, I even have a page with everything you need to get started.
If you’re interested in purchasing a painting, my Art Store is back!
Be sure to follow me on your preferred social media site for more real time updates of my work and studio life.